New Zealand Defence Force clients
After the NZ DSM remount project we made a commercial decision not to actively seek New Zealand Defence Force medal mounting work - albeit we do greatly exceed their minimal standards for medal mounting (which we provided input into) and did work as the medal mounter to the NZ SAS and YDU following the conclusion of NZ DSM medal mounting.
If you are a serving NZDF Member and wish to have your medals remounted by us you will now need to pay for this cost directly unless your unit can raise a Purchase Order. Our NZDF Vendor Number is NZ011219 This is something many serving members are still electing to do, citing:
-our very quick turnaround - typically under a week. We can however remount within a day or so especially if medals are needed pre-deployment or for a funeral or commemoration. We have heard of significant delays of months with some NZDF medal mounters.
- the security and peace of mind of knowing where your valued medals are at all times. If you are based in Auckland you can hand deliver them to us and uplift them when completed if you wish.
- quality of workmanship
-We will also mount your miniature medals - which NZDF previously did not pay for unless you rank at Sergeant or higher - yet you are given miniatures with your full sized medals. We are now informed that they will cover this cost, however you will find that if you lack any miniature awards they will be difficult to replace. We sell all miniature medals at $40 ea inclusive of mounting charges.
-we manufacture ribbon bars using the correct superior quality brass backings not the flexible plastic devices presently being used by NZDF.
If you are a current serving member of NZDF we will not charge courier for the return of your medals and if you advise if your medals are needed urgently we will ensure that your requirements are met.