Australian Customers
We have many overseas customers, including clients in Australia and America. If you are based in Australia we can recommend Mr Daryl Hockley, who trained under Aubrey Bairstow. He runs a specialist medal mounting firm based in Queensland however can service all of Australia. He is able to complete your mounting and replica requests in a timely manner and will go the extra mile.Daryl's website is http://www.themedalcompany.com.au/Whilst you are welcome to deal with us if you prefer, you may find it easier to deal with Daryl rather than sending precious medals overseas.
We offer framing for customers however if you want a quick professional service we encourage Auckland based customers to use Factory Frames in either Lunn Avenue Mt Wellington (in the Mitre 10 complex) or at 22 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay www.factoryframes.co.nz