The miniature medals of Jack Hinton VC - prepared for NZ High Commissioner to Poland, Wendy Hinton, worn at the 70th Anniversary of the Great Escape. The uniformed officer standing beside Wendy is also a client of ours.

Replica Medals & Miniature Medals
The wearing of replicas of medals and decorations is a safe and relatively affordable way to recognise and remember the sacrifice and service of relatives or even yourself but without the risk of the loss of priceless original medals.
For $50 per medal (with some exceptions such as enameled orders and decorations or those medals we have to source from other suppliers) we can supply a replica of your awards. This cost is inclusive of mounting costs (in either court style or swing style ). These replica medals are FULL SIZED identical replicas of the actual medal. We do not need your original medals to provide a replica from. We also have miniature medals available.

Important notes about OUR replica and miniature medals:
Our replica medals are sourced overseas from full time medal manufacturing businesses - largely based in Australia and the United Kingdom.
They are SOLID metal. We recently heard our competition were suggesting that our replica medals may be plastic which is why we can keep our prices lower than others. The simple answer is that we buy our replica medals in massive numbers. Our last order weighed nearly 70kg. Our replica medals are so good they can even be engraved with the recipients name if required (WE CAN NO LONGER OFFER THIS SERVICE DIRECTLY HOWEVER WE CAN RECOMMEND TROPHY CENTRE STORES IN VARIOUS AUCKLAND LOCATIONS)
Many of our replica and miniature medals are supplied to us by the firm in the UK holding the Royal Warrant to manufacture medals - these are not cheap replicas made in someone's garage. The quality is good enough for the Queen - literally.
We do not make medals ourselves however have a relationship with a local manufacturing jeweller and can have certain awards custom made as required out of sterling silver.
Our stated cost of $50 per medal full sized medal INCLUDES mounting costs. Miniatures are just $40 including mounting.
Our replicas will sometimes even tone like the original medals.
There are various quality replica medals on the market. Ours are the best possible. You will find medals for sale which are cheaper than ours. You will also find some offered at a higher price. We charge $50 per medal, mounted ready to wear..
We don't sell unmounted replicas so most of what we stock is unique to us.
We also carry the full range of Australian replica medals - all at $50 ea mounted ready for wearing.

The miniature medals of our client Mr Alf Lowe GC. An exchanged Albert Medalist and NZ's only living GC recipient.
Our miniature medals are priced at $40 per medal inclusive of mounting
When framed (a service we also offer) our replica medals (or a combination of replica and genuine medals - which we also stock) can form an impressive display and testiment to the service of a family member

A number of our replica medals are made specifically for us, and in other cases we source them from various makers to ensure that our range includes the best possible replicas with the most accurate reproduction. Some are so good that only an expert numismatist could tell them apart from a genuine medal.

We are one of the cheapest providers of replica medals around. We were recently told by one client that the $175 he spent with us for 5 mounted replica medals was $110 cheaper than the other quote he had received. For what he saved he could have almost paid for a full set of miniatures as well.
We were disturbed recently to see what a lady got from a firm recommended to her by NZDF. The quality of the replica WW1 3 medals was terrible, the mounting was just as bad, one medal had even broken as they were made of soft pot metal. Worse, the poor lady had paid $450 for the set. We would have charged $150.
We can also usually provide full sized genuine awards upon request. Price is subject to availability.
Below are sample groups which cost $50 per medal inclusive of mounting.

NEW ZEALAND MEDALS LTD 09 571 2074 newzealandmedals@gmail.com